Please note that in most cases, we at the Town of Manchester do not have information about the cemeteries or the persons resting within. What we can offer is a contact person for some cemeteries and death certificates ONLY if the person passed away in the Town of Manchester (and you have proof that you're directly related to the deceased). If they passed in a neighboring village, that village will have the records there. Please also note that there are strict rules regarding death certificates, and you will need to submit proof of your relationship to the deceased in order to see these records or obtain information about them. The purpose of this page is purely informational, but if you notice any inaccuracies or have additional information to add, please let us know!
Contact information is available for this cemetery. Please call the Town Clerk's Office for more details.
-Located on Hebron Ave in Shortsville, NY; also visible from State Rt 21 in Shortsville
-Approximately 3470 Memorials
-Death dates include 1835-present
-This cemetery is the largest in the Manchester-Shortsville community. The cemetery's residents include many war veterans, local family and friends, and a Memorial Day Parade ends with a ceremony here each year.
Contact information is available for this cemetery. Please call the Town Clerk's Office for more details.
-Located on Dewey Rd, Shortsville near the the Dewey x Co Rd 7 intersection
-Approximately 953 Memorials
-Death dates include 1795-Present
-See below for some historical information sourced from "Ontario County NYGenWeb" last updated in 2013
"From Shortsville Enterprise 13 May 1937
On the north side of the road between Clifton Springs and Manchester villages, and about two miles from the former, is the famous burying burial place of the dead now known as "Pioneers" Cemetery. It is a spot cherished by many people in this vicinity for in it are laid the ancestors of families who came here in the early days when this country was a wilderness. On the tombstones, many of them ancient and weather beaten, may be seen such familiar names as Sawyer, Sanger, Harmon, Redfield, Granger, Bement and Smith, as well as others, names which had a prominent place in the early history of the township. Too often have the burial places of those who have undergone the perils and hardships of pioneer life been neglected and permitted to grow up in weeds and brush. Not so with the Pioneer Cemetery, at least in later years, for through the tender care and ministration of the descendants of those who have gone to their long sleep, it is one of the best cared for in Ontario County for its size.
The burying ground was originally known as the "Shaving Street" cemetery, a name neither applicable nor euphonious. Since 1908 it has been called the Pioneer Cemetery. The Township of Manchester's oldest "God's Acre" had its beginning on May 4, 1812, when Joseph Barney deeded to Peleg Redfield, Joshua H. King and Jedediah Dewey 26 1/2 rods of land on the west side of a line between the farms now owned by Edmund Smith and Peter Hamburg for the purpose of a public burying ground. At the same time George Spencer and wife deeded a like amount of land on the east side of the line for a like purpose. Later William Bement added a strip one rod wide on the West side and Harvey Harmon about two rods in width on the east side.
In the Spring of 1868 the grounds had become overgrown with rose bushes and it was impossible to get on the property without "utter ruin to clothing as well as to person," according to an old record. A public meeting was called at which Julius S. Granger acted as chairman. It is interesting to note that the chairman of the meeting was a brother-in-law of Senator Stephen A. Douglass, Lincoln's famous opponent. The records say that the meeting had results for the grounds were put in order at an expense of $350 raised by subscription.
In 1908 the fences and many of the stones were fallen and broken down, and the ground filled with weeds and briars. At the call of Miss Irene T. Southworth, Mrs. Louisa Carpenter, E. F. Hoyt and A. H. Dewey, about fifteen interested persons met on February 5, 1908, at the Y. M. C. A. in Clifton Springs and took steps to incorporate the ground as "The Pioneer Cemetery." This was later done. Additions were made on the west, north and east sides, making 1 1/3 acres in all.
The first burial in the cemetery was that of Silas Dewey, who died March 17, 1810. He was originally buried on the farm now occupied by Porter Savage, but his remains were moved after the new burying ground was laid out. Mrs. John Parsons, who died July 5, 1847, within two months of reaching 100 years is believed to be the oldest person buried in the cemetery. In it are buried soldiers of the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812 and the Civil war.
Thirty years ago the late Alvin Dewey wrote a history of the Pioneer Cemetery in which he mentioned Peleg Redfield, who died May 25, 1852, at the age of 90 years, as a soldier of the Revolutionary War. In the cemetery is a modest stone in which is inscribed "Capt. Thomas Sawyer, Rev. War." It must be that there are at least two veterans of the war of for Independence buried in the old cemetery. Possibly the remains of Capt. Sawyer were moved from some other cemetery to their present resting place after Mr. Dewey wrote his article. If any reader of the Press can throw light on the war histories of Capt. Sawyer and Peleg Redfield, the writer would be glad to have them so so.
Beginning with 1858, William Wheatley was the sexton of the cemetery. He is said to have had a record of every burial therein and to be the only living person who could locate the graves of a large number which have no marking stones. These records, if kept, are not now in the possession of the cemetery authorities and it is believed that Wheatley depended largely upon his memory. Thanks to the care of its officers and directors down through the years, the Pioneer Cemetery is in good financial condition. The treasurer's report as of March 1st last shows that it has invested funds to the amount of $4185.92. The present directors are L. M. Bement, president; Robert Wells, treasurer; Elmer Robinson, secretary; Mrs. John Dewey, John Gilman, Herman Wheatley, William Graves, George Deitz, Floyd Dean."
Contact information is NOT available for this cemetery. If we should be aware of a contact, please let the Town Clerk's Office know!
-Located on Pearl St in Clifton Springs
-Contains 1271 memorials including one for a Civil War Confederate Brigadier General.
-Death dates include 1817-Present
Contact information is available for this cemetery. Please call the Town Clerk's Office for more details.
-Located on Canandaigua St, Port Gibson, NY.
-Approximately 1311 Memorials
-Death dates include 1800-Present
Contact information is available for this cemetery. Please call the Town Clerk's Office for more details.
-Located on County Road 13, Clifton Springs NY
-Approximately 1358 Memorials
-Death dates include 1866-Present
Contact information is available for this cemetery. Please call the Town Clerk's Office for more details.
-Located on Shortsville Rd, Shortsville NY
-Approximately 1544 Memorials
-Death dates include 1896-Present
Contact information is NOT available for this cemetery. If we should be aware of a contact, please let the Town Clerk's Office know!
-Located on Outlet Rd in Shortsville, NY.
-Approximately 224 Memorials
-Death dates include 1817-2004
Contact information is NOT available for this cemetery. If we should be aware of a contact, please let the Town Clerk's Office know!
-Located on State Rt 21 in Manchester, NY
-Approximately 305 Memorials
-Death dates include 1801-1957
-The cemetery is very old and most stones are either too worn or broken to be read.
Contact information is NOT available for this cemetery. If we should be aware of a contact, please let the Town Clerk's Office know!
-Located at the Corner of Main Street & Maple Avenue in Shortsville, NY
-Burials from 1828 to 1915
-101 Original Burials
-19 Transfers to Brookside Cemetery since it was organized in 1878
-82 Graves in the Cemetery
-9 Civil War Veterans Originally Buried in this Cemetery
-6 Civil War Veterans Presently Buried in this Cemetery
Contact information is NOT available for this cemetery. If we should be aware of a contact, please let the Town Clerk's Office know!
-Located on Hopewell Townline Road and Boyce Road in Shortsville, NY.
-Approximately 68 Memorials
-Death dates include 1816-1907
Contact information is NOT available for this cemetery. If we should be aware of a contact, please let the Town Clerk's Office know!
-Located on State Rt 21 in Palmyra, NY
-Approximately 47 Memorials
-Death dates include 1817-1897
-This is an old, inactive cemetery located on the west side of Route 21 north of Manchester village and north of Hill Cumorah Visitors Center. On a current map it is named "Coopers Cemetery". In September 2002, it was in good condition with a few stones broken or illegible.
Contact information is NOT available for this cemetery. If we should be aware of a contact, please let the Town Clerk's Office know!
-Located on Water Street in the Village of Shortsville, south side of the road one-tenth of a mile from Route 21 in the Town of Manchester, Ontario County, New York
-The cemetery consists of one visible stone. The stone is in a wooded area and is set back from the road about 30 ft.
~1869 Year of Death
Contact information is NOT available for this cemetery. If we should be aware of a contact, please let the Town Clerk's Office know!
-Located on Stafford Rd in Shortsville, NY
-9 Memorials
-Death dates include 1809-1855
Contact information is NOT available for this cemetery. If we should be aware of a contact, please let the Town Clerk's Office know!
-Located on Lover's Lane, Shortsville NY
-6 Memorials
-Death dates include 1797-1837
-Small, ruined private ground on "Lover's Lane" between the Shortsville-Clifton and Littleville-Clifton Roads. In the fall of 2001, only two stones - Aldrich & Wooster - were standing and legible
Town of Manchester, New York
1272 County Road 7, Clifton Springs, NY 14432