Monday & Wednesday 4pm – 7pm
Saturday 9am – 4pm
Our goal is to send less household waste to our local landfill, there by creating a much smaller footprint for generations to come.
***Accounts with a negative balance will be billed separately if the balance on the card is not replenished within 30 days***
Trash & Misc. – $0.22/lb
NYS Approved Electronics – FREE
Household Recycling – FREE
Tires – $5.00/tire
**Please note that free electronics are items like televisions or computers and do not include household items such as hair dryers. What qualifies as a free electronic item is determined by the NY State list, not by Town of Manchester employees. Click here for more information: Thank you**
Please allow 1 full business day for the added funds to be available for use at the Transfer Station.
Town of Manchester, New York
1272 County Road 7, Clifton Springs, NY 14432