Marty Barnett -
Don Bruder -
1272 County Road 7
Clifton Springs, NY 14432
PHONE: (585) 289-3010 ext. 4
FAX: (585)-286-2017
Monday - Friday 8:30 AM -4:30 PM
Listed below are the most common forms needed from the Zoning/Code Enforcement Office
Scott VanAken, Chairman
Lee Sanders
Steve Buerman
Jefferey Flower
Tammy Worden
Christine Ciardi
Pauline DeCook
Kenneth Blazey, Chairman
Michael Blazey
Jessica Hemenway
Leonard Bolton
Jacob Maslyn
For additional meeting minutes, please contact the Code Enforcement Office
For additional meeting minutes, please contact the Code Enforcement Office
Town of Manchester, New York
1272 County Road 7, Clifton Springs, NY 14432