Highway Superintendent:
Jason Lannon
Deputy Highway Superintendent:
Willie Murphy
Highway/Water Department Hours:
Monday- Thursday 6:30 am – 4:30 pm
Water Department:
Kevin Lyke
Rich Vienna
Highway Department E-Mail:
Snowplow Damage to your mailbox? We can help temporarily, please contact us!
For non-emergency and billing questions regarding water, please call
Phone: 585-289-3010 ext. 6
Fax: (585)-286-2017
*Please note that our crew is frequently working out on the roads and may not be able to answer the phone. Please leave a message, and we'll return your call as quickly as possible. Thank you*
Please note that there are additional processing fees to pay with a credit/debit card. These fees are charged by the processing company, NOT the Town of Manchester. Unfortunately, these debit/credit card transaction fees are unavoidable, and we cannot take card payments for water bills in person. There's still no additional charges for cash/check payments though! :)
If you have questions about your water bill, please email water@manchesterny.org.
All accounts will be assessed a minimum quarterly charge which shall include two components:
1. A minimum charge for water
2. A meter rental charge (exclude Co. Rd. 13 W.D.)
· County Rd. 13 Water District: $47.50 Minimum quarterly charge for 0-5,000 gallons,
then $7.54 per 1,000 gal. beyond min.
· Central & Port Gibson Water District $44.75 (includes the first 5,000 Gallons/quarter) PLUS $1.25 meter rental charge,
then an additional $5.15/per gallon above 5,000 up to 500,000.
·After April 9th, 2024 usage of more than 500,000 gallons will have a rate of $3.15 per 1,000 gallons.
** Revised: (04/09/2024)**
A one-time connection charge shall be made as follows:
· $1,600.00 one-time fee payable at time of application.
· $1,750.00 if connection is made for Out-of-District user (set by Town Board).
Turn On/Turn Off Service:
·Turn-on Service --$50.00 per request
· Turn-off Service--$50.00 per request
Out-Of-District Users:
· The one-time connection charge shall be $1,750.00.
· Out-of-district users shall pay the same minimum quarterly charges and water rates as listed above for their respective district-and ***In addition, all out-of-district users shall be assessed a minimum quarterly service charge depending on the amount assessed for debt service for their designated water district to be divided and paid quarterly.
(See attached list for current debt service amounts.)
NOTE: This item was amended (Res. #87/2016) to be:
· In addition, all out-of-district users shall pay per quarter for each benefit unit per parcel; to be effective as of October 2016 billing.
· The Port Gibson OOD User fee will remain @ $45/quarter at this time.
Contractors :
· $100.00 fee for use of hydrant, and double check valve.
· $500.00 deposit (refundable) on meter and back-flow, then $5.55/Total Gallon,
NOTE: the deposit of $500.00 would be refundable, as per authorization of Highway/Water Superintendent.
NOTE: Turner Road Water District is an Ad Valor em District & pays water bills quarterly to the Newark Water Department.
FINAL READING/BILLING: Upon request of Homeowner &/or Attorney: A final read and billing will be done. If this occurs within a seven-day period of a quarterly read & billing, the quarterly read and bill will be the Final billing.
*If the deer has a pink/orange tag, then it has already been reported*
Town of Manchester, New York
1272 County Road 7, Clifton Springs, NY 14432