Court PUBLIC office hours are Wednesdays 9:30-4:00 unless otherwise noted above. Please scroll down as most questions can be answered on this page. If you need assistance sooner please email me at
You can plead guilty to the ticket/s as they stand by scrolling down on this page to the form that says "please submit this form only if you you'd like to plead guilty" and filling it out. You can mail it in or email it back to me at:
Once received I am able to stop or lift your suspension.
If you wish to plead not guilty and work with the ADA's office in seeking a possible reduction of your charge, you can appear in person during our office hours. If driving a long distance please email or call prior to ensure I will be available. You can also appear in court. Please email:
to be placed on the docket if you wish to do that.
You can also locate all of the forms for the court on the brochure rack in the Town Hall lobby.
Please utilize the black box on the wall right outside the double doors to drop off tickets or anything other than cash for the court.
The Town Clerk's office can NOT accept anything for the court nor can they answer any questions you may have.
This does NOT apply to CDL holders! CDL?? Contact court 1st.
Download PDFCourt business can only be conducted by
Court Personnel.
Town employees are NOT able to assist
with Court Business.
*Court questions should be directed to 585-481-8881 or
Manchester Town Court
1272 County Road 7
Clifton Springs, NY 14432
***NO CASH***
Wednesdays: 9:30AM - 4:00PM
Emails the best/quickest form of contact.
Hon. Eric Schaertl & Hon. Michael Liberty
Clerk for both justices:
Tabitha Benwitz
Phone: 585-481-8881
Fax: 585-450-4739
Traffic and Criminal Cases
2nd & 4th Wednesdays
Summary Proceedings-
Email for dates
Ticket Reduction link (has course too)-
Reduction Request Email-
NY Courts Self Help-
NYS Driver Assessment Information-,driving%20record%20within%2018%20months.
NYS DMV Contact Information-
How to obtain NYS abstract (driving record)-
Town of Manchester, New York
1272 County Road 7, Clifton Springs, NY 14432